Great Wall of China凑热闹2021年9月13日讀畢需時 1 分鐘The author of this wavy thousand-year prophecy《The Fibonacci Evolution of Human Civilization》(original, full English version) liked to climb the Great Wall when he was young, and he has been to these passages of the Great Wall. (2021-9-13)
The author of this wavy thousand-year prophecy《The Fibonacci Evolution of Human Civilization》(original, full English version) liked to climb the Great Wall when he was young, and he has been to these passages of the Great Wall. (2021-9-13)
Documentary [Chinese food culture] (1980) Chinese food in the 1980s (5 episodes of video)Chinese food culture In the documentary film shot by Japan in China in the early 1980s, five episodes introduced the food culture and...